
31st July 2024
Boys day out to Brooklands - The special group price for admission is £19.75 p/p.

There is also a 1 Hour tour " Discovering Brooklands History During The 2nd World War" which is free for all MAST members. A charge of £3.50 applies to non members / guests.

If members want to bring their wives/friends they will be most welcome, but please let me know.

On display is Concorde, and there is an opportunity to be given a 25 minute tour for which there is a £6.50 charge, and again, due to its popularity, pre booking & payment to Brooklands is needed.

Wednesday August 21st 2024
Summer BBQ at 17 Tilsworth Road, please arrive around 6:00pm and we are hoping the food will be ready to eat about 6:30-6:45!

As usual bring along your favourite tipple!

We have plenty of wine glasses but
if needed bring your own beer
or shorts glasses.

Wednesday 18th September 2024
Tilsworth Golf Club at 7:30pm

Speaker to be confirmed

Wednesday 16th October 2024
Tilsworth Golf Club at 7:30pm

Speaker Michael Long. "A Day in the Life of a TV Licence Inspector"

Wednesday 20th November 2024
Tilsworth Golf Club at 7:00pm

Mast AGM

December 2024
Wine and cheese evening - details to follow


 Unique Visitors
since 1st December 2017

Last update
10th July 2024

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